Monday, May 25, 2020

Black Males And Juvenile Criminal Justice System - 837 Words

It has been proven across this country that the ratio of minorities to whites in jails and prisons is overwhelming. In 2010, African-American males were 6 times more likely than white males to be in jails and prisons as there were 678 white male inmates per 100,000 and 4,347 black male males per 100,000 locked away (Drake, 2013). This is up from 1960, when black males were 5 times more likely to be incarcerated (Drake, 2013). The ratio in the juvenile criminal justice system is not any better as in 2011, â€Å"African-American youths were 160% more likely to have been referred to juvenile court for a delinquent offense, 13% more likely to have been petitioned for formal case processing, 8% less likely to have been adjudicated, and 11% more likely to have had their petitioned cases waived to the adult system for criminal prosecution† (Howell Hutto, 2012). These high ratios have caused a blame game across this country. Why is there such a disparity? Samuel Walker, a crimina l justice scholar, has identified four reasons that minorities receive harsher outcomes. â€Å"First differences in sentence severity could be explained by African Americans and Hispanics committing more serious crimes, and having more serious criminal histories, than Whites. Second, the differences could be explained through economic discrimination, with poor defendants (typical minorities) receiving differential treatment in the courts, for instance, in that they are typically unable to secureShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans And The Juvenile Justice System1248 Words   |  5 PagesObservers had indeed noted that black defendants get more severe sentencing than white defendants do (Spohn, 1981). For many years’ social scientist has examined this theory and came up with three explanations, racial discrimination, Wealth discrimination, and legal factors (Sellin, 1928). 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