Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy - 2277 Words

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to test the conservation of mechanical energy. This was done so by using two different methods: (1) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a cart with a load set on a PASCO track attached to a hanging mass by a string and pulley, and (2) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a spring attached to a hanging mass. . In the first part of the lab involving gravitational potential energy, the theoretical value to be consistent with the law of conservation of mechanical energy was 0 J/m, but instead we obtained a value for ∆E/∆y to be 0.04772 ï‚ ± 0.00209 J/m. In the second part of the lab involving spring potential energy, the net change in energy should have been 0J, yet we calculated a value of 3.14 ï‚ ± 0.13 J. Although our result for the first part of the lab was quite accurate and close to 0 J/m, our result for the second part was not consistent with the theory since the value greatly deviates from zero. T he cause of this may have been certain errors while performing the lab. Gravitational Potential Energy Introduction and Theory: The energy that an object has due to its position in a gravitational field due to its position is known as the gravitational potential energy (ΔU). It is known that energy is conserved, so when the cart is released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (ΔK). Due to friction, the equation would be non-conservative, yet the weight of paperclips can be used as aShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy Of A Harmonic Oscillating Spring System1453 Words   |  6 PagesSection I: Worksheet 2. Discussion The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the conservation of mechanical energy of a harmonic oscillating spring-system. 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